Monday, June 4, 2007

Are you a budding photographer?

Have you just bought the new mobile with that amazing camera and are dying to take some pictures? Or want to test out your digital camera? AND doing something good about the place where you stay? Well, we are inviting pictures of and about Saket. Good things and bad things. Pot holes, hanging cable wires, unfinished road construction, monuments, shops...whatever. Send them to the mail ID mentioned on the home page. We will post the top 10 pictures sent on a regular basis.

How long will it take?

to get the repair work complete at PVR saket?

to get the road repaired from Press Enclave till the JW Marriott red light?

to get the road repaird at the geetanjali red light?

to improve the parking situation at PVR saket?

Who is our MLA btw? What party?

Monday, April 23, 2007

Data points...

Would love to get some data on Saket. Some questions I had:

How many people stay in Saket?

Who is Saket's local MCD councillor?

Who is the senior most person responsible for managing Saket's roads?

Who is responsible for giving parking licenses in Saket?

Who is the MLA for Saket?

How many ambulances cater to the needs of Saket? What number does one have to dial?

How many fire engines cater to the needs of Saket?

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Saket-World of our own!

Saket today,is one of the best colonies of South Delhi to live in.The fact that we have everything right here in Saket makes it a completely self sufficient and a great place!

*PVR -- The complete facelift of Anupam to PVR has made it one of the most happening places.We now have the best multiplex right here in Saket.As a result of the theatre the entire complex has developed.

*Best of Eating Joints-- Thanks to PVR some of the best fast food chains are in our neighbourhood.We have Mc Donalds,Pizza Hut,Nirulas,Barista,Cafe Coffee Day and lots of small time eating joints like Hari Chutney which have great food to offer.

*Stores-- PVR again has led to coming up of all good branded stores in Saket.We have Adidas, Reebok, Metal, Music Land, Planet M.We even have great book stores like Om Book shop and Teksons.

*Pubbing-- Saket(ites) don't need to go anywhere to party.They can let down their hair and have a great time in Saket itself,with places like Buzz and T'zers.

*Schools-- From Pre-nursery schools to well known schools like Gyan Bharti, Amity International and Apeejay,Saket has it all!

*Medical facilities-- With the Max Hospital,which is undoubtedly the best in town,now in Saket, could we ask for more? There is also Modi hospital, Batra is not too far either.

*Religion--Saket is one of the colonies that has a Mosque, a Gurudwara, a Church, an Arya Samaj Mandir,a Bengali temple, a Sai Baba Mandir and many more temples.

*Malls-- The construction of the malls is underway and then Saket will have its own complex of Malls as well!!!

*Five Star Hotel--Yes,we have Marriot which is a Five star hotel!

*Markets-- From small markets in the individual blocks to J-Block market, we have markets of all sizes that provide for all our needs--from grocceries to stationery to tailoring.

*Metro-- With a Metro line being laid in Saket as well, Saket will only become better connected in the years to come.

Saket is therefore a complete world in its own. It is genuinely a great place to live in and the fact that it is giving us so much should only make us sensitive to the fact that we need to give back to the place.We can't go on taking it for granted.Now we need to see what WE can do and take whatever little steps we can and help make a difference.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

What Saket(ites) want ?

What do I want Saket to become can be one question which everyone should ask.
I dont know what others want out of Saket, but I do want it to be a development which has uniformity in colors.

Money doesnt buy everything and can never equate people together but a thought process can.
I think equanimity in color, awareness about advantages of keeping things clean and being observant of change and trying to adapt to it.

But yet again, the idea of blog I hope is to bring change and not just write.
Action is more important than intellectual discussions, though intellect maintains the energy to certain level only.
I think it is a cool idea to capture the picture of things in saket and post it here.
Someone can take the initiative of going to everyones house and getting their email address and making them a member of this blog.
My best wishes to the team and all of us to make Saket a better place to breathe.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

What does this blog mean to me?

To me this blog embodies democracy. A space where we all are free to voice our opinion - positive or negative. A place where I get information about who is responsible for what in saket and what is the impact that I as an individual and we as the residents of saket can have on our own lives.

This blog is not just about technology for me. Technology is a commodity. A means to an end. What this blog means to me is a platform which allows us to communicate with each other, to learn from each other and to engage ourselves, our political and civil society leaders in just our 4-5 square kilometers of space - Saket.

Saket is a space where we spend our life. If we cant take care of this space, its unlikely we will be able to bring about change in a larger space. As they say - charity begins at home. Saket is home.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Is this what we want?

I have been staying in Saket for the past 29 years. To say that the place has changed would be an understatement. As the world is changing, so has Saket. Infact, i think its changed for the better. Malls, multiplexes, eateries. clothes and music shops, you name it and Saket has got them all. But somewhere in all of this, somethings have stayed the same. Infact, its gone for the worse. May be, its time we did something about it. Because as much pride as we take when the going is good, the bad also needs somebody to take responsibility for. Lets try and ensure that in the next 3 months, we are able to have a totally different set of pictures to show. lets make a difference...